Nativerse’s BTC Staking Enhancements
Nativerse addresses BTC staking challenges with targeted solutions:
Decentralized Custody with 2PC-MPC: Enables trustless and non-custodial BTC staking proccess with enabling instant unstake features.
LST Flexibility for DeFi Compatibility: Converts reward-based LSTs (e.g., satBTC) into yield-bearing LSTs (e.g., wsatBTC) ( What is LSTs and LRTs? ), improving compatibility with DeFi protocols by facilitating the tracking of the fiat value of the LSTs.
Instant Unstake for Liquidity: Provides immediate access to BTC through the Satoshi Reserve Pool, allowing stakers to reclaim liquidity without delays.
Multi-LST Pool for Democratizing LSTs: Supports diverse LSTs with a shared multi lst liquidity pool , enabling easy swaps and balanced token distribution, which fosters a stable BTC LST ecosystem.
These enhancements make BTC staking secure, accessible, and DeFi-compatible, offering Bitcoin stakers a robust way to participate in other PoS networks security and decentralization.
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